Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Enhancing Beach Experiences with Synthetic Turf: The Perfect Blend of Nature and Comfort

When we think of synthetic turf, we often associate it with traditional landscaping applications like residential lawns or sports fields. However, synthetic turf has also found its way onto sandy shores, adding a touch of comfort and practicality to beach environments. By combining the natural beauty of beaches with the advantages of artificial grass, synthetic turf is transforming beach experiences around the world. In this article, we'll explore how synthetic turf enhances beaches and the benefits it brings to both beachgoers and coastal communities.

1. Comfort and Safety:

Walking barefoot on the scorching sand can be uncomfortable, especially during the hottest summer days. Synthetic turf provides a cooler and more comfortable surface for beachgoers, making strolling, sunbathing, and picnicking a delight. Its cushioned texture adds a layer of softness and reduces the risk of injuries from slips or falls. Families with children can also appreciate the added safety and peace of mind offered by the even, stable footing provided by synthetic turf.

2. Erosion Control and Stabilization:

Beaches are vulnerable to erosion caused by waves, tides, and weather conditions. Installing synthetic turf on sections of the beach can help combat erosion by stabilizing the sand and preventing its displacement. The robust and permeable structure of artificial grass allows water to drain efficiently while preventing sand from washing away. This erosion control feature helps maintain the integrity of the beach and protects it from the destructive forces of nature.

3. Versatility and Accessibility:

Synthetic turf offers versatility in beach design and layout. It can be installed in designated areas for recreational activities such as beach volleyball courts, yoga spaces, or play areas, providing a clean and even surface for various beach-based pursuits. Additionally, artificial grass allows for better accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges, making it easier for wheelchairs, strollers, and mobility aids to traverse the beach.

4. Low Maintenance and Cost Efficiency:

Maintaining natural beach landscapes can be a challenging and costly endeavor. Regular sand replenishment, weed control, and grass maintenance require substantial resources and labor. Synthetic turf requires minimal maintenance in comparison. It eliminates the need for mowing, watering, and chemical treatments, resulting in cost savings for beach managers and communities. Additionally, artificial grass retains its vibrant green appearance year-round, reducing the need for constant upkeep.

5. Environmental Considerations:

The environmental advantages of synthetic turf extend to beach applications as well. Artificial grass eliminates the need for pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides, preventing the contamination of nearby water bodies and preserving the delicate coastal ecosystems. Moreover, synthetic turf does not require water for irrigation, contributing to water conservation efforts. By embracing artificial grass on beaches, coastal communities can make strides towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to beach management.

Synthetic turf is not just limited to traditional landscapes; it has found its place in beach environments, enhancing the overall experience for beachgoers and benefiting coastal communities. From providing comfort, safety, and erosion control to enabling versatility, accessibility, and cost efficiency, artificial grass offers a multitude of advantages on sandy shores. By integrating synthetic turf into beach design and management, we can strike a balance between nature and comfort, creating beach destinations that are enjoyable, sustainable, and resilient for generations to come.

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Buying Your Damaged House

By allowing Elite to purchase your ravaged property you eliminate the burden of working with realtors and all of their hidden fees and avoid the stress of waiting for a prospective buyer.



Devastating events can occur without notice at any given time. A fire doesn’t care that you just lost your job, and a tornado doesn’t worry about your college finances. Sometimes the worst circumstances all occur at once. It’s moments like these that our company wants to reach out and offer a hand by proposing a solution to purchase your home from you.


By allowing Elite to purchase your ravaged property you eliminate the burden of working with realtors and all of their hidden fees and avoid the stress of waiting for a prospective buyer. Our company will make an offer on your real estate that is reasonable to the area, the value of the land and amount of damage that occurred. Taking all conditions into account and making sure that both Elite and the home/property owner are happy with all decisions. There are no hidden fees or commissions when you sell your property to Elite, they are presenting you and your family an alternative solution to a normally long, stressful, drawn-out process.


What people often don’t tell victims of natural disasters is that most times the property values within that area plummet, given the recent events. Buyers who were once looking to purchase in that vicinity now pull back and make potential buyers few and far between. Not to mention the possible legalities that come with selling a storm damaged home, inspections, and disclosures – and if this isn’t performed properly, prepare for probable lawsuits.


One proven fact surrounding real estate and natural disasters is that all communities do eventually recover, though it seems far out of view in the present state. It took 10 years before the extremely damaged areas of New Orleans came back to life post Hurricane Katrina. And while life bloomed and buildings were built back up, stronger and more prepared, the people will never forget. You can cover a wound with a bandaid until it heals, but there will always be a physical and mental scar of the injury. People who are not already from the area, are very unlikely to be drawn into a sale regardless of how wonderful the community is or how perfect the home may be now as they have the constant worry of a repeat disaster. Elite is not worried and eager to assist in alleviating your burden by purchasing your home.


Remember, the repairs need to occur in a timely manner to save you the expenses of living remotely throughout the process. The repairs cost money and are inflated after an natural disaster to counteract the demand. It feels like all you are doing is getting estimates and handing out money – that perhaps you don’t have. The insurance payouts from natural disasters can take much longer than you probably anticipated, the process can be daunting, and many have the money completely spent before the check arrives. Selling your house and getting out from under weight of all those financial obligations provides your family the opportunity to start anew, a fresh, clean slate.


Why chose Elite? Understandably your family has been approached by numerous companies hoping to procure your property, many are small businesses that are just starting a concept out of necessity and potential. Elite is a well-established twenty years plus construction and excavation company, with hire professionals trained and insured in the process. Elite ensures quality work and has a reputation for courteous and timely production. They will make you feel like a person and not just another prospective customer and that humanity is what is most essential in times like these.

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Natural Disasters

EIite is a company with over twenty years of experience and is here to assist you remove some of the burden and bring comfort to your mind by helping you get through the event.

Devastating events occur unpredictably and often at the worse times. The damage from such events is more than physical, it’s emotional too. Tornado’s, Fires, Floods, Hurricanes and other natural disasters can turn a normal life into one of chaos, confusion and stress. After the initial shock of the event wears off, people are left with decisions to make, lists of contractors, insurance and government agencies to call, as well as their own family and friends, taking leave from jobs at a moment where you feel financially deadlocked.


Elite is a company with over twenty years of experience and is here to assist you remove some of the burdens and bring comfort to your mind by helping you get through this event.  As a soon to be registered FEMA contractor, they offer trustworthy services and reassuring customer service to assist those who need it most. The company which has been in service since 2000, has a reputation for prompt response times and quick turnaround.


The crew of Elite has the equipment needed to assist in clearing away debris and cleaning up roadways, which are essential in a recovery process after a destructive disaster. Clearing a path allows the other services opportunities to access areas that need repair, families the chance to salvage what they can and access the damage. Roadways are the veins of a community. Elite can backfill washed out roads and repair and build bridges. They want to ensure that the pathway back to a normal life is an accessible option and are eager to help.


Elite has the equipment to remove unsafe structures and buildings helping to reset your property back to benign stable surfaces ready for new edifices to rise like a phoenix – and Elite may be able to assist in that process too!


Since Elite is a Michigan based company, another area of expertise they offer is boat retrieval. Coming from a state that is surrounded by water, freshwater boat removal/retrieval is more common than other states. Elite is able to aide in pulling a boat submerged in water back to the surface for removal, or a boat that may be located somewhere absent of water which commonly occurs after floods and hurricanes. Wherever the vessel may lay, Elite will safely remove it.


In a time where you may be needing compassion and overwhelmed by choices to make and exhausted by alternative planning, let Elite set in and step up and carry some of that apprehension away. They can help set a guide and timeline of the work that needs to be accomplished and provide you end goal dates which will help you plan your life moving forward. They will offer courteous customer service and work at an steadfast pace and will work towards making sure you are completely at ease and satisfied with their work.

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Synthetic Turf & Children

There is no denying that synthetic turf offers a large array of benefits for the environment, upkeep, and safety of our animals; however, the most important benefactor of the advantages of turf are our children.

There is no denying that artificial turf offers a large array of benefits for the environment, upkeep, and safety of our animals; however, the most important benefactor of the advantages to turf is our children.


Children spend hours outside and are often rolling around on the ground without much thought. Unlike normal grass, turf is absent of many pests and allergic properties. Since there is little need for any chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and weed killers all dangerous exposures from the various toxic residues are eliminated. Over recent years many of the chemicals commonly used on regular grass have been blamed for sicknesses in children, more frequently in infants as they make the most contact with the yard while crawling and are also prone to put everything in their hands and mouth. The affects of such chemicals can cause neurological issues in humans, as well as physical issues.

Children and synthetic turf


Grass allergies are one of the most common in the world in fact it is found in 2 out of 10 children and adults in the U.S.. And, while allergies symptoms are not life-threatening, they are a nuisance and can make life and sleeping uncomfortable. There are many medications that are available to ease the symptoms; however, putting more chemicals into a body is the least approachable solution for children and removing grass completely is rarely an option.


Unlike natural grass, synthetic turf has a soft surface that helps ease the unpredictable, and inevitable falls that occur in our youth. The turf is shock absorbing and cushioning. Plus, the durability is withstanding of even the roughest play!


In conjunction with backyard play, artificial turf is also used on playgrounds at schools and daycares. The advantages are best valued on these premises as they offer the most protection to the most vulnerable in larger numbers. Some play areas have been known to use wood chips, small pea stones, shredded tires. According to the CDC on average there are more than 200,000 kids 14 years and younger that end up in the emergency rooms around the country due to injuries on playgrounds equipped with the aforementioned surfaces.


Wood chips are sharp and hard, it is easy to see how injuries can occur, children have been cut and stabbed with the particles. Wood chips can also remain embedded under a child’s wound and fester infection if not properly removed. And, shredded tires, although soft and absorbent can become too absorbent to the suns heat. Tests have shown on an average 89◦ summer day, the average temperature for the tire mulch could reach 154◦, long play and contact could lead to burns on children. Pea stones and pebbles, while not soft are giving to movement but can also be harmful if swallowed or embedded in other orifices; ears, nose, mouth. All three of the above mentioned are also host to bacteria and can harbor pests and other allergens.


Safety aside, artificial grass on a playground has other compensations as well. The maintenance can save tons of money, with little to no upkeep involved. The main form of care is the removal of twigs, leaves and branches that may fall on the grass. There is no need to water it other than to spray it down in the event that it gets muddy from outside sources, and since the synthetic turf is designed with a proper drainage system the water will easy carry itself away.


The turf is designed for all-weather wear and is resistant to wind, rain, and snow. It will look as perfect and green in the middle of the winter and during the arid summer days. It’s appealing and inviting all year long and kids will naturally be driven to romp and roll around on its surface.


If it’s already been something you or your business has considered, let this be the article that empowers you to make the decision. The safety of children should always be the number one concern, followed by the financial gain of your conclusion. The cost is more upfront, but the payout comes over time with less upkeep, no maintenance, no gas for equipment, no pesticides, fertilizers or other chemical costs, no extra water charges, the list goes on. Knowing that the appeal of the lawn is for the benefit and safety of the children it’s designed to allure is the greatest reward on your choice.

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Save the Bees

You have the perfect moment and perfect yard that requires little upkeep and you also have peace of mind knowing that you are doing something impactful for the environment and ecosystem.

The importance of honeybees has a larger impact on the world then most initially assume, although research and outreach has helped spread the message. The massive rate of decline in bee colonies has been evident since 2006, by a decrease of almost 50%. All science studies point to pesticides, neonicotinoids, and glyphosate as the main cause.


Neonicotinoids are the most common pesticides used in agriculture. Sometimes the use is not just topical, but some crops are even grown with neonicotinoid-treated seeds, which goes into the plants tissue, nectar, and pollen. This means that the grass seeds you use, or plants that you put in your garden and landscaping may say they are “bee-friendly” but internally are treated with chemicals meant to kill bees and other pesky pests.


Bees produce approximately 1/3 of all human’s food supply, provide ½ of the world’s fibers, oils and raw materials and help create medicines. They are the cornerstone of our global ecosystems and often overlooked – or worse, feared. With their fleeting numbers it is up to humanity to personally take stand in protecting the world’s elite pollinators.


By placing an artificial turf as your yard, you are eliminating the need for pesticides and weed killers – which is wonderful; however, you will still need to provide flowers or plants for the bees to enjoy. Oddly, bees cannot see reds and orange colors, they are mainly attracted to yellow, blue or purple flowers and shrubs. Place flowers close together, in clusters to ease their accessibility. If you enjoy a clean, uncluttered yard for the ease of lawn care, provide window boxes of flowers or large pots of floras.


And, just like all living things – bees need water, but so do birds and butterflies and the combinational hummingbird. Shallow dishes of water hidden amid some large rocks, or a beautiful bird bath are preferable as all the above species are not keen on deep water; buckets, dog bowls or pools.


Bees are not attracted to natural grass lawn; it provides nothing for the bee unless there is an occasional dandelion that pops up and most people spray to minimize weeds. This is another added advantage to an artificial lawn for your family and the bees.


Now imagine a picturesque day, sun is shining, birds are chirping, and bees are humming. Your lawn is enviously lush and green, and you are entertaining your neighbors to a small barbeque. The children splash around in a sprinkler and the dog is panting beneath a tree, clinging to shade on the hot day. This is your paradise! You have the perfect moment and perfect yard that requires little upkeep and you also have peace of mind knowing that you are doing something impactful for the environment and ecosystem.

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Neighbor Envy, Pet Friendly & Positive for Great Lakes

Offering a welcoming environment that is not only beautiful, but safe and clean for our lakes, guests, family and furry friends will make you the envy of your neighborhood.

Having a beautiful lawn and becoming the envy of your neighbors is a goal that many people share, but having a perfect lawn isn’t easy with kids, pets and weeds flourishing. 


Not only do your children enjoy the yard, your four-legged family members love playing outside as much as they enjoy their time snuggling with you. The yard is an essential composition to their life, providing both amusement and exercise – as well as their personal lavatory.


Pesticides account for around 30% of lawn and garden supplies each year. Pesticides contain highly toxic ingredients such as acephate, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, carbofuran, methomyl and mataldehyde, these are known to induce diarrhea, tremors, breathing issues, vomiting and many other issues. Chemicals are not only harmful to your companions they can also cause allergies that cause them skin irritations. The longer the exposure, the more serious the effects can be on an animal, including fatal issues. Artificial turf requires no weed killers, no pesticides – no chemicals! All the pests that annoy you; bugs, ants, fleas, ticks, do not thrive on synthetic materials and therefore don’t want to live on your artificial turf.


Using chemicals on a natural lawn may assist in perfecting the perfect, lush, green lawn that you are hoping to attain; however, the chemicals make a deeper impact on our earth than thought. Any chemical used on the ground ends up in the local lakes, streams and rivers. This can be detrimental to the great lakes of our state. This off shed threatens entire ecosystems and habitats, even though they aren’t the initial target of the treatment.  Phosphorus, which is found in most fertilizers has been found to have the greatest impact on our lakes causing aquatic weed growth or algae blooms which is toxic to both humans and animals.


An artificial turf will look lush and green without nasty substances and will remain spot free all year long. No brown spots marking up the lawn. Cleanup is as easy as using a garden hose and spraying down the turf, which will wash away any spills or urine. Your pet’s will also be unable to run down a path when their “zoomies” kick in, as artificial turf is more durable than real grass and children can swing for years without wearing away the grass underneath. Artificial turf has a durability that can easily withstand 10+ years. It has a mesh backing that is indestructible to heavy traffic, kids in cleats and pets’ claws. With the inability to dig holes or find muddy spots in your ever-green lawn, your kids and pets stay clean. Less baths!


On the topic of cleanup, artificial turf uses a drainage system using tunnels and stones. Having proper draining makes clean-up easier and minimizes any odors that may come from pet soilage. This also means that any moisture collected from the rain or dew dries quickly. When the neighbors have the brown grass of spring and fall – your yard will appear vibrant and abundant.


Offering a welcoming environment that is not only beautiful, but safe and clean for your guests, family and furry friends will make you the envy of your neighborhood.  

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Incorporating Synthetic Turf

Let’s look at a few different ways that synthetic turf an be incorporated into your Michigan backyard. This is one of our favorite topics!

With summer nearly here, it’s easy to envision your backyard oasis as the splendor to the season. Synthetic turf has become an asset to many properties due to the low maintenance and beauty of the finished products. You can easily become the envy of the neighborhood!


A surprising fact that is often overlooked is the environmental impact that synthetic turf has, a nice healthy lawn helps absorb carbon dioxide from the air and replaces it with oxygen, it helps decrease pollutants and increase humidity all while furnishing amazing air quality.


Synthetic turf has a natural cooling effect and stays an average of 10-14◦ colder than asphalt or a concrete patio. The perfect place to walk around barefoot on a hot summer day. The cooling effect does more for the area surrounding it as well, by absorbing solar radiation around the home it can lessen air conditioner usage within the home. Through research it shows that the average turf lawn stays around 75◦ even on the hottest Michigan day.


The curb appeal is the most impactful first impression and reason many choose to make the change. Your yard can become a blank canvas for you to express your own creativity when using turf, create a putting green or just a perfect square offset by paving stones for those who crave a little more precision. Here are a few great ideas to utilize synthetic turf:


·       For a small yard, create a corner oasis, installing turf in one corner surrounded by plants and bordered with pebbles or stones. This option pulls the eyes to one area of the yard, creating a larger yard perception and a small sanctuary in a yard that may be cluttered due to space.


·       Use synthetic turf as a pathway instead of a traditional path. This is simple by using the elements in your area, stones, shrubs, natural boundaries. This look is perfect for a cottage-style look.


·       Contrasting perfect green turf with pure white concrete accents spaced out, gives a very clean look with depth.


·       Surround the swimming pool with a practical, environmentally friendly boundary. The grass absorbs better than concrete and is less slippery when wet. The image is common around the high-end California society landscapes.


·       Shape the synthetic turf into unique designs! There is no rule that says the turf needs to roll out square. Add a circular patch to a patio or curve out a path along the front sidewalk.


Your yard is the first thing that anyone sees when visiting your home, it is inviting and creates a warmth. It can add value to your home and emits the impression that you care a lot about your home.


If you aren’t sold yet, let us talk about allergies. So often, someone in your circle gets conflicted with the seasonal allergies that come along with living in a four-season state. Turf grass is thick and helps control spores and dust pollen, and without the weeds and clovers attracting the bees, one can relax without fear of being stung. While we can’t 100% guarantee an allergy won’t flare, you are far less likely to have an attack while on turf grass.


And, if all the above sounds appealing minus the usual maintenance than perhaps artificial turf grass is something to consider. All the attractiveness without the preservation. There are always things to consider, but making the change will no doubt ease any landscaping concerns you have been contemplating and will leave you with no regrets.

We are here to get it done!

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Emily Dakoske Emily Dakoske

Elite Heritage

Take a moment to learn about how Elite has been helping its customers and community for the past 20 years.

Twenty years ago, our company started with a simple vision; provide our customers with quality services in excavation and demolition, easing their burdens with a proficient and fast-paced company that they can rely on and trust.


Elite has impressed our customers with our ability to provide innovation and value while maintaining a fast outcome. We understand that our services provide the initial component to many projects, demolition and excavating can set the groundwork for a potential fresh start or wipe away the old for something new.


We are known for our speed and productivity. We can meet deadlines that are set for us, all while keeping our work proficient and sustaining all OSHA standards. We accept challenges with a positive attitude and consider nothing out of the realm of possibility. If you can dream it, we will do our best to assist you in achieving it.


Our business is trustworthy. Within the twenty years of operation, we have worked with many customers in our communities and understand that word-of-mouth contributes to satisfaction and reputation. We stand proud by our services and will give references to past customer to ensure you have the ease of worry.


Elite is located in the heart of mid-Michigan, in beautiful, historic Chesaning. The building we reside in was restored back to its glorious days as the Peet Packing Company business that was formerly owned by the Detroit Tiger, Denny McLain. We restored a part of history and stand firmly behind the work, that we now operate our business within the walls. We provide service across Michigan.

We are here to get it done!

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