Neighbor Envy, Pet Friendly & Positive for Great Lakes

Having a beautiful lawn and becoming the envy of your neighbors is a goal that many people share, but having a perfect lawn isn’t easy with kids, pets and weeds flourishing. 


Not only do your children enjoy the yard, your four-legged family members love playing outside as much as they enjoy their time snuggling with you. The yard is an essential composition to their life, providing both amusement and exercise – as well as their personal lavatory.


Pesticides account for around 30% of lawn and garden supplies each year. Pesticides contain highly toxic ingredients such as acephate, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, carbofuran, methomyl and mataldehyde, these are known to induce diarrhea, tremors, breathing issues, vomiting and many other issues. Chemicals are not only harmful to your companions they can also cause allergies that cause them skin irritations. The longer the exposure, the more serious the effects can be on an animal, including fatal issues. Artificial turf requires no weed killers, no pesticides – no chemicals! All the pests that annoy you; bugs, ants, fleas, ticks, do not thrive on synthetic materials and therefore don’t want to live on your artificial turf.


Using chemicals on a natural lawn may assist in perfecting the perfect, lush, green lawn that you are hoping to attain; however, the chemicals make a deeper impact on our earth than thought. Any chemical used on the ground ends up in the local lakes, streams and rivers. This can be detrimental to the great lakes of our state. This off shed threatens entire ecosystems and habitats, even though they aren’t the initial target of the treatment.  Phosphorus, which is found in most fertilizers has been found to have the greatest impact on our lakes causing aquatic weed growth or algae blooms which is toxic to both humans and animals.


An artificial turf will look lush and green without nasty substances and will remain spot free all year long. No brown spots marking up the lawn. Cleanup is as easy as using a garden hose and spraying down the turf, which will wash away any spills or urine. Your pet’s will also be unable to run down a path when their “zoomies” kick in, as artificial turf is more durable than real grass and children can swing for years without wearing away the grass underneath. Artificial turf has a durability that can easily withstand 10+ years. It has a mesh backing that is indestructible to heavy traffic, kids in cleats and pets’ claws. With the inability to dig holes or find muddy spots in your ever-green lawn, your kids and pets stay clean. Less baths!


On the topic of cleanup, artificial turf uses a drainage system using tunnels and stones. Having proper draining makes clean-up easier and minimizes any odors that may come from pet soilage. This also means that any moisture collected from the rain or dew dries quickly. When the neighbors have the brown grass of spring and fall – your yard will appear vibrant and abundant.


Offering a welcoming environment that is not only beautiful, but safe and clean for your guests, family and furry friends will make you the envy of your neighborhood.  


Save the Bees


Incorporating Synthetic Turf