Synthetic Turf & Children

There is no denying that artificial turf offers a large array of benefits for the environment, upkeep, and safety of our animals; however, the most important benefactor of the advantages to turf is our children.


Children spend hours outside and are often rolling around on the ground without much thought. Unlike normal grass, turf is absent of many pests and allergic properties. Since there is little need for any chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and weed killers all dangerous exposures from the various toxic residues are eliminated. Over recent years many of the chemicals commonly used on regular grass have been blamed for sicknesses in children, more frequently in infants as they make the most contact with the yard while crawling and are also prone to put everything in their hands and mouth. The affects of such chemicals can cause neurological issues in humans, as well as physical issues.

Children and synthetic turf


Grass allergies are one of the most common in the world in fact it is found in 2 out of 10 children and adults in the U.S.. And, while allergies symptoms are not life-threatening, they are a nuisance and can make life and sleeping uncomfortable. There are many medications that are available to ease the symptoms; however, putting more chemicals into a body is the least approachable solution for children and removing grass completely is rarely an option.


Unlike natural grass, synthetic turf has a soft surface that helps ease the unpredictable, and inevitable falls that occur in our youth. The turf is shock absorbing and cushioning. Plus, the durability is withstanding of even the roughest play!


In conjunction with backyard play, artificial turf is also used on playgrounds at schools and daycares. The advantages are best valued on these premises as they offer the most protection to the most vulnerable in larger numbers. Some play areas have been known to use wood chips, small pea stones, shredded tires. According to the CDC on average there are more than 200,000 kids 14 years and younger that end up in the emergency rooms around the country due to injuries on playgrounds equipped with the aforementioned surfaces.


Wood chips are sharp and hard, it is easy to see how injuries can occur, children have been cut and stabbed with the particles. Wood chips can also remain embedded under a child’s wound and fester infection if not properly removed. And, shredded tires, although soft and absorbent can become too absorbent to the suns heat. Tests have shown on an average 89◦ summer day, the average temperature for the tire mulch could reach 154◦, long play and contact could lead to burns on children. Pea stones and pebbles, while not soft are giving to movement but can also be harmful if swallowed or embedded in other orifices; ears, nose, mouth. All three of the above mentioned are also host to bacteria and can harbor pests and other allergens.


Safety aside, artificial grass on a playground has other compensations as well. The maintenance can save tons of money, with little to no upkeep involved. The main form of care is the removal of twigs, leaves and branches that may fall on the grass. There is no need to water it other than to spray it down in the event that it gets muddy from outside sources, and since the synthetic turf is designed with a proper drainage system the water will easy carry itself away.


The turf is designed for all-weather wear and is resistant to wind, rain, and snow. It will look as perfect and green in the middle of the winter and during the arid summer days. It’s appealing and inviting all year long and kids will naturally be driven to romp and roll around on its surface.


If it’s already been something you or your business has considered, let this be the article that empowers you to make the decision. The safety of children should always be the number one concern, followed by the financial gain of your conclusion. The cost is more upfront, but the payout comes over time with less upkeep, no maintenance, no gas for equipment, no pesticides, fertilizers or other chemical costs, no extra water charges, the list goes on. Knowing that the appeal of the lawn is for the benefit and safety of the children it’s designed to allure is the greatest reward on your choice.


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